Heiko Zimmermann
Heiko Zimmermann
26th Jan, 1978
Ludwigsburg, DE


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Hi there! My name is Heiko Zimmermann. I'm a lecturer in English literature and culture.

The things I'm currently doing: teaching English Literature and Culture at the University of Education Ludwigsburg, writing both scholarly papers and articles for magazines, talking at conferences, doing web and print design, discussing contemporary literature on stage, playing the guitar, growing veggies and flowers in my allotment.

Things I did in the past: writing a PhD thesis about the reconfigurations of authors and readers in digital literature, teaching literature at the Universities of Trier, Bayreuth and Sivas, and Trinity College Dublin, studying a teachers' course of Physics and English, working with mentally disabled people, writing in a creative writing group in Leeds/UK, working with exchange students, playing volleyball, coding and working as a swapper in the C64 demo scene, selling my first computer game to a publishing house when I was sixteen, living in a lovely flat with a tiled stove for seven years, starring in a GCSE listening comprehension test... (to be continued)

You can contact me via email. If you are a student of mine, rather come to my office hours. Sometimes I offer sweets and cookies.

For my students at PH Ludwigsburg, the Universities of Trier, Bayreuth and Trinity College Dublin, I have collected some materials here.

papers and articles


Since it has been around for years now, I have to mention my own project Aspects of E. M. Forster again.

Feuilleton / Journalistic

Literary / Other

other stuff

This, again, is an incomplete list.

Talks and Presentations

Interviews / In the Media

Guest Lecturership

Planning and Organising Events


web typo design

This is an (incomplete) list of websites I run/have designed or worked with:

I have also done some editing and layouting for print publications.


Some miscellaneous bits:

This is a list of my lectures and seminars with links to even more details about them:

Summer Term 2021

Winter Term 2020/21

Summer Term 2020

Winter Term 2019/20

SS 2019

WS 2018/19

SS 2018

WS 2017/18

SS 2017

WS 2016/17

SS 2016

WS 2015/16

SS 2015

WS 2014/2015

SS 2014

WS 2013/2014

SS 2013

WS 2012/2013

SS 2012

WS 2011/2012

SS 2011

WS 2010/2011

SS 2010

WS 2009/2010

SS 2009

WS 2008 / 2009

SS 2008

WS 2007 / 2008

SS 2007

1999 - 2008


Supervised Theses (Selection):

This list is supposed to give you an idea of the scope of possible topics. However, it is not limited to it. I invite students to approach me with concrete suggestions in the fields of Modernism, late Victorian literature, contemporary British and Irish literature, anglophone literatures of Commonwealth nations, gender studies, queer studies, E. M. Forster, critical theory, creative writing, electronic literature, and the philosophy of literature. Places are limited, however.